ligands&coordination complexes / Alfa Chemistry
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Catalog Number ACM676960-1
CAS 676-96-0
Structure Trimethylphosphineoxide
Synonyms Dimethylphosphorylmethane
IUPAC Name dimethylphosphorylmethane
Molecular Weight 92.08
Molecular Formula C3H9OP
InChI Key InChI=1S/C3H9OP/c1-5(2,3)4/h1-3H3
Boiling Point 194 °C
Melting Point 140-141 °C
Flash Point 71 °C
Purity 98%
Density 0.9 g/cm3
Appearance Solid
Isomeric SMILES CP(=O)(C)C

What is the CAS number for Trimethylphosphineoxide?

CAS number for Trimethylphosphineoxide is 676-96-0.

What is the molecular formula of Trimethylphosphineoxide?

The molecular formula of Trimethylphosphineoxide is C3H9OP.

What is the molecular weight of Trimethylphosphineoxide?

The molecular weight of Trimethylphosphineoxide is 92.08g/mol.

What is the Canonical SMILES representation of Trimethylphosphineoxide?

The Canonical SMILES representation of Trimethylphosphineoxide is CP(=O)(C)C.

How many hydrogen bond acceptors does Trimethylphosphineoxide have?

Trimethylphosphineoxide has 1 hydrogen bond acceptor.

Is Trimethylphosphineoxide a defined atom stereocenter count?

No, Trimethylphosphineoxide does not have a defined atom stereocenter count.

What is the InChIKey of Trimethylphosphineoxide?

The InChIKey of Trimethylphosphineoxide is LRMLWYXJORUTBG-UHFFFAOYSA-N.

What is the European Community (EC) Number of Trimethylphosphineoxide?

The European Community (EC) Number of Trimethylphosphineoxide is 211-633-9.

Are there any other synonyms for Trimethylphosphineoxide?

Yes, some other synonyms for Trimethylphosphineoxide include dimethylphosphorylmethane and trimethylphosphineoxide.

What is the XLogP3 value of Trimethylphosphineoxide?

The XLogP3 value of Trimethylphosphineoxide is -0.6.

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