ligands&coordination complexes / Alfa Chemistry
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Catalog Number ACM69056628-4
CAS 69056-62-8
Structure Tributylmethylphosphoniummethylsulfate
Synonyms Methyl sulfate,tributyl(methyl)phosphanium
IUPAC Name methyl sulfate;tributyl(methyl)phosphanium
Molecular Weight 328.45
Molecular Formula C14H33O4PS
InChI Key InChI=1S/C13H30P.CH4O4S/c1-5-8-11-14(4,12-9-6-2)13-10-7-3;1-5-6(2,3)4/h5-13H2,1-4H3;1H3,(H,2,3,4)/q+1;/p-1
Purity 97%
Density 1.027 g/mL at 20 °C(lit.)
Appearance Liquid

What is the InChIKey of Tributylmethylphosphoniummethylsulfate?

The InChIKey of Tributylmethylphosphoniummethylsulfate is JMXOUHNHEFFQIW-UHFFFAOYSA-M

What is the CAS number for Tributylmethylphosphoniummethylsulfate?

The CAS number for Tributylmethylphosphoniummethylsulfate is 69056-62-8

What is the Canonical SMILES of Tributylmethylphosphoniummethylsulfate?

The Canonical SMILES of Tributylmethylphosphoniummethylsulfate is CCCC[P+](C)(CCCC)CCCC.COS(=O)(=O)[O-]

What is the molecular formula of Tributylmethylphosphoniummethylsulfate?

The molecular formula of Tributylmethylphosphoniummethylsulfate is C14H33O4PS

What is the molecular weight of Tributylmethylphosphoniummethylsulfate?

The molecular weight of Tributylmethylphosphoniummethylsulfate is 328.45g/mol

How many heavy atoms are there in Tributylmethylphosphoniummethylsulfate?

There are 20 heavy atoms in Tributylmethylphosphoniummethylsulfate

Does Tributylmethylphosphoniummethylsulfate have any hydrogen bond donor?

No, Tributylmethylphosphoniummethylsulfate does not have any hydrogen bond donor

How many rotatable bonds are there in Tributylmethylphosphoniummethylsulfate?

There are 9 rotatable bonds in Tributylmethylphosphoniummethylsulfate

What is the IUPAC Name of Tributylmethylphosphoniummethylsulfate?

The IUPAC Name of Tributylmethylphosphoniummethylsulfate is methyl sulfate;tributyl(methyl)phosphanium

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