ligands&coordination complexes / Alfa Chemistry
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Catalog Number ACMA00040979
Molecular Weight 788.11
Molecular Formula C55H66NOP
Purity 98%

What is the molecular weight of (SA,R)-DTB-BN-SIPHOX?

The molecular weight of (SA,R)-DTB-BN-SIPHOX is 788.1g/mol.

How many heavy atoms are present in (SA,R)-DTB-BN-SIPHOX?

There are 58 heavy atoms present in (SA,R)-DTB-BN-SIPHOX.

How many hydrogen bond acceptors does (SA,R)-DTB-BN-SIPHOX have?

The compound has 2 hydrogen bond acceptors.

What is the Canonical SMILES representation of (SA,R)-DTB-BN-SIPHOX?

The Canonical SMILES representation of (SA,R)-DTB-BN-SIPHOX is CC(C)(C)C1=CC(=CC(=C1)P(C2=CC=CC3=C2C4(CCC5=C4C(=CC=C5)C6=NC(CO6)CC7=CC=CC=C7)CC3)C8=CC(=CC(=C8)C(C)(C)C)C(C)(C)C)C(C)(C)C.

How many rotatable bonds are there in (SA,R)-DTB-BN-SIPHOX?

There are 10 rotatable bonds in (SA,R)-DTB-BN-SIPHOX.

What is the InChIKey of (SA,R)-DTB-BN-SIPHOX?


How many defined atom stereocenters are present in (SA,R)-DTB-BN-SIPHOX?

There are 2 defined atom stereocenters in (SA,R)-DTB-BN-SIPHOX.

What is the IUPAC Name of (SA,R)-DTB-BN-SIPHOX?

The IUPAC Name of (SA,R)-DTB-BN-SIPHOX is [(3S)-4-[(4R)-4-benzyl-4,5-dihydro-1,3-oxazol-2-yl]-3,3'-spirobi[1,2-dihydroindene]-4'-yl]-bis(3,5-ditert-butylphenyl)phosphane.

What is the exact mass of (SA,R)-DTB-BN-SIPHOX?

The exact mass of (SA,R)-DTB-BN-SIPHOX is 787.48820273.

How many covalently-bonded units are present in (SA,R)-DTB-BN-SIPHOX?

There is 1 covalently-bonded unit in (SA,R)-DTB-BN-SIPHOX.

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